Essaycampus.co.uk is an online service website that provides students with essays and basically other write-up The platform gives you unlimited access to the most refined and dedicated academic talent out there. But we know that you would not love the best of these services and we are here to show if your place your trust at the palms of this company.
Quality of Service
A company’s quality of service is ensured via testimonials and writers. Which seems to be pretty bad in their case as they don’t provide you with any link to either testimonial. Moreover, the website itself looks like a website from the late '90s.
This essay provider value bundle is very high. Despite the huge fee, they complete project work in a random manner, thereby positioning the student for low marks. This company should be highly ignored. The cost of academic paper to be done is very high.Still, they lack the credibility to deliver the top quality job.The cost of academic paper to be done is very high. This site remains one of the most expensive writing service companies in the UK. Still, they lack the credibility to deliver the top quality job.
Main Services
Their main service is in essay writing.
Customer support while placing order
Before placing orders on britishassignmentwriters.co.uk they seem to be a very nice set of people.
Customer support after placing order
Immediately order has been placed they turn very hostile and totally rude.
Writer quality:
Essay campus company writers are still amateurs; their age has altered their state of reasoning. That lacks the need skills to produce quality content. Time management is a major problem. These company writers are not reliable, and cannot be trusted with any academic writing job.They claim to offer experienced writers and the perfectionists to complete the tasks in due time. .They claimed that their staff will provide you with high-quality stuff to get done your projects with desired aptitudes. They never proved the ability of their staff with the service they provide.
Delivery quality
Time management is a major problem. These company writers are not reliable, and cannot be trusted with any academic writing job. They never deliver their jobs in due time.
Communication with writer
The customer support team is porous and lousy. They are unreasonable. They handle all their social media contact handles like Skype, WhatsApp, and email with a great level of inefficiency. They like the needed zeal to aid customer complaints.
They don't provide clients with a guarantee.
They provide a 15% discount for new customers, which is pretty much the only decent thing about them.
Payment Method
They did not include the payment method on their sites front page.
They don’t have any refund policies.
Why not use this site
Essaycampus.co.uk is not worthy to bring about the top quality job. There a several UK based writing firm who can handle your assignment project efficiently and accurately, without further addle or regrets seek for their assistance. Their overall rating at bestBritishwritingcompanies.co.uk is 1.5/5.